“I am in love with paint” That’s the first line of artist Adrian Waggoner’s personal statement and immediately lets you know what his work is all about. His unique style and form focuses on the precise layering of color and pigments, which illustrate an intense sense of realism as Waggoner’s subjects convey sincere emotion.
Unlike other art work displayed by The Eisenhauer Gallery, Waggoner’s portraits seem to speak for themselves, as a relationship between the painting and the viewer almost immediately forms. And how could it not? With paintings like “Words,” the viewer is confronted the appearance of two people, perhaps in a long-term relationship that has gone far beyond its appropriate duration, but the couple stays together on the basis of time committed and investment.
Who hasn’t been in such a position at one point in their life? With Waggoner, the viewer is immediately faced not just with a great painting, but a reminder of the emotional pendulum that life brings about. For more information on Adrian Waggoner and his work, visit The Eisenhauer Gallery’s artist profile section.